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Cold Weather Shelter

The Ellis County Ministerial Alliance is working with First Baptist Church of Hays and others to provide a cold weather shelter this winter, provided we can get enough volunteers to run it. The shelter would only open when the temperature outside gets cold enough to present severe risk to people and only if people show up during the shelter's opening hours to use it overnight.



We will be hosting two information meetings for anyone who is interested in this initiative and/or who may wish to volunteer and help with this endeavor. Please click below to sign up and attend!

Click the date you would like to sign up for.


We will have two volunteer training sessions for those who do want to volunteer to stay awake overnight to watch over our shelter's guests. If you plan to volunteer to help at the shelter, please sign up for the training here (if possible, please plan to attend the first training in case we have cold weather early this year).

Click the date you would like to sign up for.

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